591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 13
241. If you had an opinion you better be determined.
242. If you have no shame then do whatever you want.
243. If you hear a person talking good about things that aren't in you, don't be sure that he wouldn't also say bad things about things that aren't in you.
244. If you know then it's a disaster, and if you don't know then it's a greater disaster.
245. If you mentioned the wolf you better prepare the stick.
246. If you opress who is below you then you won't be safe from the punishment of who is above you.
247. If you reach for the highest of ideals, you shouldn't settle for less than the stars.
248. If you see the fangs of the lions, don't think the lion is smiling.
249. If you speak the word it shall own you, and if you don't you shall own it.
250. If you wanted obedience command with what is possible.
251. If you wish/ask, wish/ask for more.
252. if you're a liar, then have a good memory.
253. If you're a wind then I'm a twister.
254. If you're beautiful, whatever you do is fine.
255. If your house is of glass, don't throw rocks at others.
256. Ignorance is the death of the living.
257. Ignorance is the worst acquaintance.
258. In the desert of life the wise person travels by caravan, while the fool prefers to travel alone.
259. Ink on paper.
260. Inscribe science in writing.