World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

2713 Proverbs about Your / Page 58

1141. If you see him riding on a bamboo-cane, say to him, If you see him riding on a bamboo-cane, say to him, "Good health to your horse!"
Moroccan Proverb

1142. If you do not travel, you will marry your own sister.. Mozambican Proverb. If you do not travel, you will marry your own sister.
Mozambican Proverb

1143. An inflated idea can burst the bubble of your happiness.. Myanmaran Proverb. An inflated idea can burst the bubble of your happiness.
Myanmaran Proverb

1144. If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off your lips.. Namibian Proverb. If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off your lips.
Namibian Proverb

1145. It's easy to wad your neighbor's field.. Namibian Proverb. It's easy to wad your neighbor's field.
Namibian Proverb

1146. Do not wrong or hate your neighbor for it is not he that you wrong but yourself.. Native American Proverb. Do not wrong or hate your neighbor for it is not he that you wrong but yourself.
Native American Proverb

1147. Don't lean on your fellow men -- theirs is an ever moving support.. New Zealander Proverb. Don't lean on your fellow men -- theirs is an ever moving support.
New Zealander Proverb

1148. Hold on tight to the words of your ancestors.. New Zealander Proverb. Hold on tight to the words of your ancestors.
New Zealander Proverb

1149. Let someone else sing your praise.. New Zealander Proverb. Let someone else sing your praise.
New Zealander Proverb

1150. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.. New Zealander Proverb. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
New Zealander Proverb

1151. Choose your fellow traveller before you start on your journey.. Nigerian Proverb. Choose your fellow traveller before you start on your journey.
Nigerian Proverb

1152. Choose your neighbors before you buy your house.. Nigerian Proverb. Choose your neighbors before you buy your house.
Nigerian Proverb

1153. If you have run out of gunpowder, use your gun as a club.. Nigerian Proverb. If you have run out of gunpowder, use your gun as a club.
Nigerian Proverb

1154. If you put a razor in your mouth, you will spit blood.. Nigerian Proverb. If you put a razor in your mouth, you will spit blood.
Nigerian Proverb

1155. The day you are leaving is not the time to start your preparations.. Nigerian Proverb. The day you are leaving is not the time to start your preparations.
Nigerian Proverb

1156. The head of your neighbor is a kingdom and his heart a wood.. Nigerian Proverb. The head of your neighbor is a kingdom and his heart a wood.
Nigerian Proverb

1157. Your own rags are better than another's gown.. Nigerian Proverb. Your own rags are better than another's gown.
Nigerian Proverb

1158. Ask for advice, then use your head.. Norwegian Proverb. Ask for advice, then use your head.
Norwegian Proverb

1159. Sell what you have bought while the dust is still on your shoes.. Palestinian Proverb. Sell what you have bought while the dust is still on your shoes.
Palestinian Proverb

1160. A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.. Persian Proverb. A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.
Persian Proverb

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