2713 Proverbs about Your / Page 114
2261. With a good farm, garden and vineyard, all your problems will be cured.
2262. Use your time in May to stock up for winter.
2263. If you marry you'll suffer in your youth, if you don't marry you'll suffer in your old age.
2264. A wife and a nag, choose them from your neighborhood.
2265. It's useless to change your state, if you don't have luck in your favor.
2266. Choose bread with eyes, cheese without eyes and wine that makes your eyes pop.
2267. Honor is determined by your dress.
2268. If you want to have a happy life, stay far away from your relatives.
2269. Marry your children with their peers so you won't regret it someday.
2270. Don't put yourself on a par with your betters.
2271. Don't confide secrets to your wife, don't rent if your house has a pergola, don't have cops as a godfathers.
2272. You will not be loved if you only think of yourself.
2273. Pigeon and chick, by your beak you attain beauty.
2274. You can't punch your way into heaven.
2275. If you prune in April you'll fill your barrels not with wine, but with water.
2276. Where you're not known, you're judged by your appearance.
2277. Vegetable garden and mill, don't tell your neighbor how much they yield.
2278. If you give your goods without a pledge, you show little inventiveness.
2279. If you have to have animals in your house, don't have either a dog or a cat with a red coat.
2280. The most important thing you have to do is to save your soul.
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