2713 Proverbs about Your / Page 112
2221. If you want to be loved by all, first love God, then your mother and father.
2222. When you have money you live happily, when you don't you lose your friends
2223. You won't know who your friends are until you need them.
2224. Don't maintain a friendship with cops because you'll lose your wine and your cigars.
2225. When you want to serve your friend, you can't worry about your belongings.
2226. When you see many dogs at a bone, it's best to make yourself scarce.
2227. Cavaliers, priests, and dangerous places, speak nicely about them but keep your distance.
2228. Dry your feet and warm your head, and don't worry about the rest.
2229. Who likes you well will come to your house.
2230. Don't compromise your beliefs for money.
2231. Spend Easter and Christmas with whomever you want, but celebrate Mardi Gras with your own.
2232. The meat from the castrated, from wherever you take it you trick yourself.
2233. Your looks betray your thoughts.
2234. The olive grove of your grandfather, the cherry trees of your father, and your grape vines.
2235. When it rains in the morning, take the plow and start sowing; when it rains between Vespers and nightfall, put on your boots.
2236. When you have brains to go along with your wealth you can call yourself happy and content.
2237. Don't try to make yourself a land baron at the turn of the river.
2238. Don't push yourself forward if you don't have the heart.
2239. Make your testimony and confessions while you're eating sausages and macaroni.
2240. Don't take advice from your enemy.
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