457 Proverbs about Work / Page 20
381. God is a good worker but loves to be helped.
382. God is a busy worker but loves to be helped.
383. He who works begins well; he who economises ends better.
384. It is not work that kills, but worry.
385. A good paymaster never wants workmen.
386. Work for nought makes folks dead lazy.
387. Never let a boy do a man's work.
388. The way one eats is the way one works.
389. It is no shame at all to work for money.
390. People working on the slope of a mountain do not look at the buttocks of one another.
391. What people get by hard work they don't get for their neighbors.
392. He who seems to be for you may be working against you.
393. While the sun is still up, let people work that the earth may live.
394. Work hard, keep the ceremonies, live peaceably, and unite your hearts.
395. Live men do not lack work.
396. The day is for working, the night is for resting.
397. The king inherits a country -- the people only hard work.
398. When mosquitoes work, they bite and then they sing.
399. A wise man without a book is like a workman with no tools.
400. Work and you will be strong; sit and you will stink.
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