238 Proverbs about Women / Page 4
61. Old men and women in the village are books of history and wisdom.
62. A market is three women and a goose.
63. Handsome women generally fall to the lot of ugly men.
64. If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it's women's work.
65. In men every mortal sin is venial, in women every venial sin is mortal.
66. Men are as old as they fell, and women as they look.
67. Men make wealth, and women preserve it.
68. Neither women nor linen by candlelight.
69. Two women and a goose make a market.
70. Women always speak the truth, but not the whole truth.
71. Women and hens are lost by too much gadding.
72. Women are wise impromptu, fools on reflection.
73. Women know a point more than the devil.
74. Women naturally deceive, weep and spin.
75. Women rouge that they may not blush.
76. Women's tears are a fountain of craft.
77. Women, asses, and nuts, require strong hands.
78. Women, priests, and poultry, never have enough.
79. Words are for women, actions for men.
80. Three women and a goose make a market.
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