238 Proverbs about Women / Page 11
201. Women and cats in the house, men and dogs in the street.
202. If women were really good, God would be married.
203. When women increase in wealth, they are silent. But when they fall into trouble, the whole world gets to know.
204. Women have no upright words, but only crooked ones.
205. The hump of the ox that has grown old must be eaten by women.
206. Women and bairns keep counsell of that they ken not.
207. The hunt is like a dance for men, for women the dance is the hunt.
208. Women, problems.
209. Women's tears are fountains of malice.
210. March sun ages women.
211. Truth is what women do not tell.
212. Men and women sleep on the same pillow, but they have different dreams.
213. The man who chases mules and believes women will never get to Heaven.
214. Don't let yourself get far away from your jackasses, women, and oxen.
215. There are four things to which you should not lend credence: love of women, the charity of friars, sun in the winter, and clouds in the summer.
216. The constancy of women is like rain in July.
217. Donkeys and women, beat them with a stick, to keep them at task.
218. Man loses his good judgement over women and wine.
219. Inexperienced young men are better off not marrying: Stay away from women! you'll be better off.
220. Who approaches women penniless will be told: get lost.
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