824 Proverbs about Without / Page 20
381. Interest on debts grow without rain.
382. Worries go better with soup than without.
383. Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.
384. Interest on debts grows without rain.
385. It's not as good with money as it is bad without it.
386. Shrouds are made without pockets.
387. What value is a needle without an eye?
388. Who seeks a friend without faults dies alone.
389. Without effort there is no food.
390. Don't believe in foretellings but don't stay without them.
391. A building without foundation is soon demolished.
392. A man without grief is not a man.
393. Before you love, learn to run through snow without leaving footprints.
394. No flock without dog and shepherd.
395. You cannot get into Paradise without a guide.
396. He that speaks without care shall remember with sorrow.
397. There is not a single season without fruit.
398. He who talks without thinking dies without getting sick.
399. No rose without a thorn, or a love without a rival.
400. He tells, does something to somebody without announcement.
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