907 Proverbs about Water / Page 19
361. The mountaineer's ass carries wine and drinks water.
362. There is no worse water than that which sleeps.
363. Too much water drowned the miller.
364. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
365. When the dog is drowning every one brings him water.
366. When the words are said, the holy water is made.
367. The mill does not grind with water that is past.
368. Every one draws the water to his own mill.
369. Every miller draws the water to his own mill.
370. A scalded cat dreads cold water.
371. A scalded cat fears cold water.
372. Muddied water does not reflect.
373. The cart ruins the road, the woman the man, the water the wine.
374. The word of a woman is as a little feather on the water.
375. You do not fatten pigs with pure water.
376. Fish must swim three times: once in the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach.
377. If the seawater were hotter we could catch boiled fish.
378. It is good fishing in troubled waters.
379. He gives a party with bath-water.
380. Water does not trickle out of his hand.
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