692 Proverbs about Want / Page 8
141. If you want to hit your mother-in-law, be sure to split her head.
142. If you want to kill a snake, chop off its head.
143. If you want to take revenge on a man, send him a really beautiful woman.
144. The worst things in life are: To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.
145. When a rich man wants children, he gets dollars, when a poor man wants dollars, he gets children.
146. When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does.
147. If you want to give a sick man medicine, let him first be really ill -- so that he can see how well the medicine works.
148. Overabundance is not far from want.
149. A herbalist that refuses to ask laymen what leaves he looks for in the bush, must have difficulties getting what he wants.
150. The gods may still send a gentle breeze when they want to bless us.
151. If you want to know how the true story goes, wait till the arguments start.
152. The child hates the one who gives him all he wants.
153. If you want to lean on a tree, first make sure it can hold you.
154. The toad that wanted to avoid the rain fell in the water.
155. If you want to clean the land secretly, the noise of the axe will give you away.
156. Send a boy where he wants to go and you see his best pace.
157. No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow.
158. When the bee comes to your house, let her have beer; you may want to visit the bee's house some day.
159. If you want to eat a toad, you should look for a fat and juicy one.
160. A friend is one who knows every thing about you and still wants to be your friend.
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