1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 84
1661. Every dog thinks her puppies are the cutest.
1662. Every door may be shut but death's door.
1663. Every failure teaches a man something, if he will learn.
1664. Every man is a volume if you know how to read him.
1665. Every man's your enemy till he proves your friend.
1666. Every why has a wherefore.
1667. Everyone for himself.
1668. Everyone has his master.
1669. Everyone knows where his shoe pinches.
1670. Everyone prefers his own.
1671. Everything does not fall that totters.
1672. Everything is not all peaches and cream.
1673. Everything worthwhile has a fence around it, but there is always a gate and a key.
1674. For every evil under the sun there is a remedy or there is none.
1675. For every goose there is a gander.
1676. Give every man your ear but few your voice.
1677. Give some people everything you have and they still want the moon.
1678. He labours in vain who tries to please everybody.
1679. It's not every question that deserves an answer.
1680. Let every day provide for itself and God send Sunday.
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