World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 82

1621. The man who looks after his own work has plenty to do to keep everything right.. Manx Proverb. The man who looks after his own work has plenty to do to keep everything right.
Manx Proverb

1622. It may not pay to weigh everyone in the same scales.. Kashmir Proverb. It may not pay to weigh everyone in the same scales.
Kashmir Proverb

1623. A very jealous person is glad when somebody else cries, and sighs when others laugh.. Kashmir Proverb. A very jealous person is glad when somebody else cries, and sighs when others laugh.
Kashmir Proverb

1624. Whatever has bloomed, has bloomed from the very bud.. Kashmir Proverb. Whatever has bloomed, has bloomed from the very bud.
Kashmir Proverb

1625. Every ane loups the dyke where it's laighest.. Scottish Proverb. Every ane loups the dyke where it's laighest.
Scottish Proverb

1626. Every cock crows loudest on his own dunghill, is a saying common to all nations.. Scottish Proverb. Every cock crows loudest on his own dunghill, is a saying common to all nations.
Scottish Proverb

1627. Every flow has its ebb.. Scottish Proverb. Every flow has its ebb.
Scottish Proverb

1628. Every man does his work after his own fashion.. Scottish Proverb. Every man does his work after his own fashion.
Scottish Proverb

1629. Every man slams the fat sows arse.. Scottish Proverb. Every man slams the fat sows arse.
Scottish Proverb

1630. Every man to his taste, as the man sayed when he kiss'd his cou.. Scottish Proverb. Every man to his taste, as the man sayed when he kiss'd his cou.
Scottish Proverb

1631. Every man's man had a man, and that gar'd the Threave fa'.. Scottish Proverb. Every man's man had a man, and that gar'd the Threave fa'.
Scottish Proverb

1632. Expect not a very covetous person to be very honest for a long time. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in nae ither.. Scottish Proverb. Expect not a very covetous person to be very honest for a long time. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in nae ither.
Scottish Proverb

1633. One should watch out for a very trifling or lame reason given for something that has been done.. Scottish Proverb. One should watch out for a very trifling or lame reason given for something that has been done.
Scottish Proverb

1634. There's a dub at every door, and before some doors there's twa.. Scottish Proverb. There's a dub at every door, and before some doors there's twa.
Scottish Proverb

1635. Ye're very foresighted, like Forsyth's cat.. Scottish Proverb. Ye're very foresighted, like Forsyth's cat.
Scottish Proverb

1636. Everything is good in its season.. British Proverb. Everything is good in its season.
British Proverb

1637. There is a remedy for everything, could men find it.. British Proverb. There is a remedy for everything, could men find it.
British Proverb

1638. That fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.. British Proverb. That fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.
British Proverb

1639. Every one thinks his sack heaviest.. British Proverb. Every one thinks his sack heaviest.
British Proverb

1640. Every man will have his own turn served.. British Proverb. Every man will have his own turn served.
British Proverb

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