1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 80
1581. To a tendai monk, everything is wonderful.
1582. If it is here, it is everywhere. If it is not here, it is nowhere.
1583. Every rhinoceros is proud of its horn.
1584. Anyone can make a spoon, but not everyone can make the handle.
1585. Every sheep is hung by his own leg.
1586. The bucket goes down the well every day -- some day it won't come up again.
1587. Everyone carries around his own witches.
1588. Every woman beautiful till she speaks.
1589. Every dog is a lion at home.
1590. One who is free to sin, sins less; the very power weakens the seeds of sin.
1591. Not Every nun becomes Mother Superior.
1592. Water washes up everything but shame.
1593. Every tree has its worm to eat it.
1594. Eyes see everything but themselves.
1595. Patience is a tree whose root is bitter, but its fruit is very sweet.
1596. True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare; false ones like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
1597. We have no art. We do everything as well as we can.
1598. He has a very hard heart who does not love May.
1599. Every thing hath an end and a pudding has twa.
1600. Every one kens best when his ain shoe nips him.
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