World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 71

1401. Everyone is the blacksmith of his own fortune.. Hungarian Proverb. Everyone is the blacksmith of his own fortune.
Hungarian Proverb

1402. A man who believes that he can do everything, let him dig a grave and bury himself.. Igbo Proverb. A man who believes that he can do everything, let him dig a grave and bury himself.
Igbo Proverb

1403. The riverside monkey is apt to be blamed for every twig found in the river.. Igbo Proverb. The riverside monkey is apt to be blamed for every twig found in the river.
Igbo Proverb

1404. When a very short man causes the market to break up in a big fight, bystanders ask him to stand up so that they can see how short he really is.. Igbo Proverb. When a very short man causes the market to break up in a big fight, bystanders ask him to stand up so that they can see how short he really is.
Igbo Proverb

1405. Everyone cut the grass. Cut the grass. Let no one call the others 'Prisoners'.. Igbo Proverb. Everyone cut the grass. Cut the grass. Let no one call the others 'Prisoners'.
Igbo Proverb

1406. A palm tree climber is not expected to tell everything he sees from up above.. Igbo Proverb. A palm tree climber is not expected to tell everything he sees from up above.
Igbo Proverb

1407. If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.. Texan Proverb. If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.
Texan Proverb

1408. God gives food to every bird, but does not throw it into the nest.. Hindi Proverb. God gives food to every bird, but does not throw it into the nest.
Hindi Proverb

1409. Cut duels in every Town.. Scotch Proverb. Cut duels in every Town.
Scotch Proverb

1410. Every man can rule an ill wife, but he that hes Her.. Scotch Proverb. Every man can rule an ill wife, but he that hes Her.
Scotch Proverb

1411. Every man wisheth the water to his own milne.. Scotch Proverb. Every man wisheth the water to his own milne.
Scotch Proverb

1412. Every land hes his lauch, and every corne hes the caff.. Scotch Proverb. Every land hes his lauch, and every corne hes the caff.
Scotch Proverb

1413. Every man for Himself, quoth the mertine.. Scotch Proverb. Every man for Himself, quoth the mertine.
Scotch Proverb

1414. Every man slams the fat sows Arse.. Scotch Proverb. Every man slams the fat sows Arse.
Scotch Proverb

1415. Every man wats best where his own shoe binds him.. Scotch Proverb. Every man wats best where his own shoe binds him.
Scotch Proverb

1416. Many maisters, quoth the Poddock to the Harrow, when every tind took her a knock.. Scotch Proverb. Many maisters, quoth the Poddock to the Harrow, when every tind took her a knock.
Scotch Proverb

1417. A dirty stick makes everyone who touches it dirty.. African Proverb. A dirty stick makes everyone who touches it dirty.
African Proverb

1418. A dog that belongs to every one will die of hunger.. African Proverb. A dog that belongs to every one will die of hunger.
African Proverb

1419. A feather is just a delicate thing when removed from a bird because it carries the bird everywhere in the world.. African Proverb. A feather is just a delicate thing when removed from a bird because it carries the bird everywhere in the world.
African Proverb

1420. A friend is one who knows every thing about you and still wants to be your friend.. African Proverb. A friend is one who knows every thing about you and still wants to be your friend.
African Proverb

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