World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 65

1281. If youthful pride were wealth, then every man would have had it in his lifetime.. Ghanaian Proverb. If youthful pride were wealth, then every man would have had it in his lifetime.
Ghanaian Proverb

1282. Every kind of animal can be tamed, but not the tongue of man.. Phillipine Proverb. Every kind of animal can be tamed, but not the tongue of man.
Phillipine Proverb

1283. Appearances aren't everything.. American Proverb. Appearances aren't everything.
American Proverb

1284. Everybody is the architect of his own fortune.. German Proverb. Everybody is the architect of his own fortune.
German Proverb

1285. A man's life is a circle from childhood to childhood, and thus it is in everything where the power moves.. Native American Lakota Proverb. A man's life is a circle from childhood to childhood, and thus it is in everything where the power moves.
Native American Lakota Proverb

1286. The center of the universe is everywhere.. Native American Lakota Proverb. The center of the universe is everywhere.
Native American Lakota Proverb

1287. When you go to a town and you see the chief of the town is in handcuffs, you do not ask whether everything is alright in that town.. Akan Proverb. When you go to a town and you see the chief of the town is in handcuffs, you do not ask whether everything is alright in that town.
Akan Proverb

1288. Death's ladder is there for everyone to climb.. Akan Proverb. Death's ladder is there for everyone to climb.
Akan Proverb

1289. Giant silk cotton trees grow out of very tiny seeds.. Gambia Proverb. Giant silk cotton trees grow out of very tiny seeds.
Gambia Proverb

1290. Everyone should contribute when collection is made.. Swahili proverb. Everyone should contribute when collection is made.
Swahili Proverb

1291. Every vessel has its own waves.. Swahili proverb. Every vessel has its own waves.
Swahili Proverb

1292. Every door with its own key.. Swahili proverb. Every door with its own key.
Swahili Proverb

1293. To every child his own neck ornament.. Swahili proverb. To every child his own neck ornament.
Swahili Proverb

1294. Every who streches a skin on a drum, pulls the skin own his own side.. Swahili proverb. Every who streches a skin on a drum, pulls the skin own his own side.
Swahili Proverb

1295. Every bird flies with its own wings.. Swahili proverb. Every bird flies with its own wings.
Swahili Proverb

1296. Every case begins from the stomach.. Kikuyu Proverb. Every case begins from the stomach.
Kikuyu Proverb

1297. Every feast has ists guest of honour.. Kikuyu Proverb. Every feast has ists guest of honour.
Kikuyu Proverb

1298. One ages every night one lives.. Kikuyu Proverb. One ages every night one lives.
Kikuyu Proverb

1299. In every family where there is a son, the head of an ox, goat or ram is cooked to be eaten by him with his friends.. Kikuyu Proverb. In every family where there is a son, the head of an ox, goat or ram is cooked to be eaten by him with his friends.
Kikuyu Proverb

1300. Everybody regrets not what he leaves but what he does not find.. Kikuyu Proverb. Everybody regrets not what he leaves but what he does not find.
Kikuyu Proverb

1699 Proverbs, Page 65 of 85
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