World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1699 Proverbs about Very / Page 26

501. Every bird sings as it is beaked.. Dutch Proverb. Every bird sings as it is beaked.
Dutch Proverb

502. Every day a thread makes a skein in the year.. Dutch Proverb. Every day a thread makes a skein in the year.
Dutch Proverb

503. Every flood has it ebb.. Dutch Proverb. Every flood has it ebb.
Dutch Proverb

504. Every house has its cross.. Dutch Proverb. Every house has its cross.
Dutch Proverb

505. Every little helps to lighten the freight, said the captain, as he threw his wife overboard.. Dutch Proverb. Every little helps to lighten the freight, said the captain, as he threw his wife overboard.
Dutch Proverb

506. Every man his own is not too much.. Dutch Proverb. Every man his own is not too much.
Dutch Proverb

507. Every man is master in his own house.. Dutch Proverb. Every man is master in his own house.
Dutch Proverb

508. Every man thinks his own owl a falcon.. Dutch Proverb. Every man thinks his own owl a falcon.
Dutch Proverb

509. Every one is a preacher under the gallows.. Dutch Proverb. Every one is a preacher under the gallows.
Dutch Proverb

510. Every one is a thief in his own craft.. Dutch Proverb. Every one is a thief in his own craft.
Dutch Proverb

511. Every one must row with the oars he has.. Dutch Proverb. Every one must row with the oars he has.
Dutch Proverb

512. Every shot does not bring down a bird.. Dutch Proverb. Every shot does not bring down a bird.
Dutch Proverb

513. Every why has its wherefore.. Dutch Proverb. Every why has its wherefore.
Dutch Proverb

514. Everything has a wherefore.. Dutch Proverb. Everything has a wherefore.
Dutch Proverb

515. Everything has an end except God.. Dutch Proverb. Everything has an end except God.
Dutch Proverb

516. Everything has two handles.. Dutch Proverb. Everything has two handles.
Dutch Proverb

517. He heed have plenty of meal who would stop every man's mouth.. Dutch Proverb. He heed have plenty of meal who would stop every man's mouth.
Dutch Proverb

518. He must rise betimes who would please everybody.. Dutch Proverb. He must rise betimes who would please everybody.
Dutch Proverb

519. It is hard to please every one.. Dutch Proverb. It is hard to please every one.
Dutch Proverb

520. Let every one look to himself, and no one will be lost.. Dutch Proverb. Let every one look to himself, and no one will be lost.
Dutch Proverb

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