585 Proverbs about Tree / Page 22
421. Prickly pear trees dont produce peaches.
422. Malta would be a nice place, if every knight were a tree.
423. A brave man who climbs trees is food for their roots.
424. In a very old tree, you may be certain that the sapwood is on the outside, while the heartwood is in the middle.
425. Whatever the tree, so is the fruit.
426. Small tree trunks can make the cart turn over.
427. The tree makes shafts for axes.
428. Like tree, like fruit.
429. A tree is known by its fruit.
430. As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
431. He cannot see the wood for the trees.
432. You cannot see the wood for the trees.
433. An apple never falls far from the tree.
434. The highest tree hath the greatest fall.
435. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
436. Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree.
437. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
438. In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
439. When the tree is fallen every one runs to it with his axe.
440. When a knave is in a plum-tree, he has neither friend nor kin.
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