520 Proverbs about Till / Page 12
221. If the rings are lost, here are the fingers still.
222. Milk the cow that standeth still.
223. The mill gains by gong, and not by standing still.
224. Walk till the blood appears on the cheek, but not the sweat on the brow.
225. When a good offer comes for your daughter, don't wait till her father returns from market.
226. Wit's never bought till it's paid for.
227. Woe to the house where the hen crows and the rooster is still.
228. You have debts, and make debts still; if you've not lied, lie you will.
229. If there is still doubt do not accuse.
230. The best word still has to be spoken.
231. He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well.
232. Even the best mule still saves a kick for his master.
233. However treacherous the sea may be, women are still more so.
234. When all other sins are old, greed still stays young.
235. Wash a dog, comb a dog, still a dog remains a dog.
236. One tale is good till another is told.
237. A gentlemen of Beauce who stays in bed till his breeches are mended.
238. A little rain stills a great wind.
239. A man may bear till his back breaks.
240. From to-morrow till to-morrow time goes a long journey.
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