2119 Proverbs about Thing / Page 86
1701. He moves all the stones, to achieve something.
1702. Even Christ's coffin was not guarded for nothing.
1703. One can do anything, only will is needed.
1704. If you want something, go yourself, if not, send somebody else.
1705. He that is not a master of something, is a butcher of it.
1706. I tell you one thing, two will result from it.
1707. I'll say such things that I'll regret even myself.
1708. Anything big is small at the beginning.
1709. Nothing is new under the sun.
1710. Even something light is heavy for the unwilling.
1711. Do not look for something, where it isn't.
1712. Order is the soul of everything.
1713. Even a little is more than nothing.
1714. Here is nothing, hold it tight.
1715. Out of nothing there will be nothing.
1716. He who begins many things, finished but few.
1717. He puts out the eye of somebody with something.
1718. Facts are stubborn things.
1719. Something is better than nothing.
1720. Something for something.
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