2119 Proverbs about Thing / Page 58
1141. When something happens, praise it.
1142. Better to have little than nothing.
1143. A grunting donkey is nothing to be ashamed of.
1144. You learn something every day.
1145. Beautiful things are never as beautiful as those that are pleasing.
1146. Don't extinguish something that does not burn you.
1147. He who takes no chances wins nothing.
1148. Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it is and remains an ugly thing.
1149. Throwing the hat at something.
1150. Having something on your liver.
1151. What good is a something big that is still needed to be searched, if there is something small that is in your hands?
1152. It is never too late to offer anything that is good.
1153. If you stash, you have something to withdraw.
1154. No one can be an expected to be an expert at something before they have got the chance to practice it.
1155. If you reach for something that is far too good for you, it is not going to end well.
1156. When something has been denied of you, you can still do it once.
1157. Such things happen even to better folk.
1158. There's a cause of everything.
1159. Even things that are far apart can meet as one.
1160. Two things that never get along.
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