2119 Proverbs about Thing / Page 38
741. If you have nothing else to offer me, offer me your smile.
742. If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.
743. Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome.
744. Lazy people always want to do everything at the same time.
745. Love is an eye that doesn't see anything.
746. Never do anything that you want to remain a secret.
747. Not only those who can talk the best tell you the most interesting things.
748. One dog barks at something specific, and a hundred bark at the sound.
749. Spouses that love each other say a thousand things without speaking.
750. The greatest virtue is like water; good for everything.
751. The main thing is that we can smile at our duties -- yes even at our suffering.
752. The most important thing in life is to be buried well.
753. The only thing that was missing at the rich man's funeral was mourners.
754. To climb a tree to catch a fish is talking much and doing nothing.
755. To die is to stop living but to stop living is something entirely different than dying.
756. To do good for ten years is not enough; do bad things for one day and it is too much.
757. What is lighter than a feather? The wind. Lighter than the wind? The spirit. Lighter than the spirit? The woman. Lighter than the woman? Nothing at all.
758. What is not urgent must be done quickly in order to take care of the urgent things calmly.
759. When people only talk about things they understand then a great silence will descend upon the world.
760. When we have nothing to worry about we are not doing much, and not doing much may supply us with plenty of future worries.
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