292 Proverbs about Sweet / Page 9
161. Free vinegar is sweeter than honey.
162. Forbidden fruit is sweeter.
163. After work rest is sweet.
164. The patient thief is as a tree whose root runs deep as he waits for the sweet fruit..
165. The fat woman gives the sweetest ride.
166. Brackish water is sweet in a drought.
167. Deeds are love, and not sweet words.
168. From the sweetest wine, the tartest vinegar.
169. War is sweet to him who does not go to it.
170. What was hard to bear is sweet to remember.
171. Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one.
172. He made me mad To see him shine so brisk and smell so sweet.
173. If patience is sour then its result is sweet.
174. Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.
175. Similar to a bee: in their mouths they carry sweet honey, and in their tails poison.
176. Eating is sweet, digging is weariness.
177. He who eats bitter things gets sweet things too.
178. A hasty person misses the sweet things.
179. I ate honey in my childhood, and its sweetness is still in my tooth.
180. Many a sweet maid when one knows her mind is fickle found towards men.
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