336 Proverbs about Still / Page 7
121. Trust not still water nor a silent man.
122. Wash a dog, comb a dog, still a dog remains a dog.
123. He who doesn't open his eyes when he buys must still open his purse to pay.
124. No matter how high a bird can fly, it still has to look for food on the ground.
125. The teeth often bite the tongue, still the two stay together.
126. Put silk on a goat, and it's still a goat.
127. A debt is still unpaid, even if forgotten.
128. Get down on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet.
129. Put silk on a goat, and it is still a goat.
130. If you put a silk dress on a goat, he is a goat still.
131. If you put a silk suit on a goat it is still a goat.
132. He who works has much; he who saves, still more.
133. For every wise man there is one still wiser.
134. If the rings are lost, here are the fingers still.
135. Milk the cow that standeth still.
136. The mill gains by gong, and not by standing still.
137. Woe to the house where the hen crows and the rooster is still.
138. You have debts, and make debts still; if you've not lied, lie you will.
139. If there is still doubt do not accuse.
140. The best word still has to be spoken.
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