World Proverbs

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350 Proverbs about Small / Page 7

121. A small woman always seems newly married.. Italian Proverb. A small woman always seems newly married.
Italian Proverb

122. It is the small expenses that empty your purse.. Italian Proverb. It is the small expenses that empty your purse.
Italian Proverb

123. The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue.. Italian Proverb. The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue.
Italian Proverb

124. Home, dear home, small as thou art, to me thou art a palace.. Italian Proverb. Home, dear home, small as thou art, to me thou art a palace.
Italian Proverb

125. On every small pretext the wolf seizes the sheep.. Italian Proverb. On every small pretext the wolf seizes the sheep.
Italian Proverb

126. Small rain lays a great wind.. Italian Proverb. Small rain lays a great wind.
Italian Proverb

127. Small rain lays great dust.. Italian Proverb. Small rain lays great dust.
Italian Proverb

128. The best spices are in small bags.. Italian Proverb. The best spices are in small bags.
Italian Proverb

129. The point of the thorn is small, but hw who has felt it does not forget it.. Italian Proverb. The point of the thorn is small, but hw who has felt it does not forget it.
Italian Proverb

130. A bird may be ever so small, it always seeks a nest of its own.. Danish Proverb. A bird may be ever so small, it always seeks a nest of its own.
Danish Proverb

131. A large fire often comes from a small spark.. Danish Proverb. A large fire often comes from a small spark.
Danish Proverb

132. A small bolt to the house is better than none at all.. Danish Proverb. A small bolt to the house is better than none at all.
Danish Proverb

133. A small cloud may hide both sun and moon.. Danish Proverb. A small cloud may hide both sun and moon.
Danish Proverb

134. A small fire that warms you, is better than a large one that burns you.. Danish Proverb. A small fire that warms you, is better than a large one that burns you.
Danish Proverb

135. Despise not a small wound, a poor kinsman, or an humble enemy.. Danish Proverb. Despise not a small wound, a poor kinsman, or an humble enemy.
Danish Proverb

136. Even a small star shines in the darkness.. Danish Proverb. Even a small star shines in the darkness.
Danish Proverb

137. From praise, as from a shadow, a man is neither bigger nor smaller.. Danish Proverb. From praise, as from a shadow, a man is neither bigger nor smaller.
Danish Proverb

138. God gives little folks small gifts.. Danish Proverb. God gives little folks small gifts.
Danish Proverb

139. He is no small knave who knows a great one.. Danish Proverb. He is no small knave who knows a great one.
Danish Proverb

140. He who despises small things seldom grows rich.. Danish Proverb. He who despises small things seldom grows rich.
Danish Proverb

350 Proverbs, Page 7 of 18
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