363 Proverbs about Sleep / Page 3
41. Precaution said, Good friend, this counsel keep: strip not yourself until you're laid to sleep.
42. When many shepherds tend the sheep, they but so much the longer sleep.
43. When the cat sleeps, the mice play.
44. Who goes fasting to bed will sleep but lightly.
45. Do not wake sleeping dogs.
46. Sleep is the poor man's treasure.
47. The englishman greets, the irishman sleeps, but the scotchman gangs till he gets it.
48. He that sleeps wi' dogs maun rise wi' fleas.
49. He sleeps as dogs do when wives bake cakes.
50. He that sleeps with dogs maun rise with flaes.
51. It is good sleeping in a hale skin.
52. It is kittle to waken sleeping dogs.
53. Never tell your fae when your foot sleeps.
54. Ye're best when ye're sleeping.
55. Thou shouldst not tell thy foe when thy foot sleeps.
56. When the businessmen sleep, the ad works.
57. Work sweetens the sleep.
58. Do not wake up the sleeping bear.
59. As the master sleeps, the servant dreams.
60. Don't wake the bear that sleeps.
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