363 Proverbs about Sleep / Page 18
341. The person who is tired will find time to sleep.
342. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.
343. He who wants to be famous will have many a sleepless night.
344. Long sleep makes hot rowing.
345. A man can sleep on every hurt but his own.
346. They only fall asleep after having mutually taken an oath and then they betray each other
347. Sleep is the cousin of death.
348. When a mother has twins she must sleep on her back.
349. Only a medicine man gets rich by sleeping.
350. The leopard does not sleep on a dry branch.
351. The chicken that digs for food will not sleep hungry.
352. Just because you are poor does not mean you have to sleep with your mother.
353. Let sleeping dogs lie.
354. The animal rambling in the stable makes the sleeping ones rise too.
355. A person will change his mind on something if left to sleep over it.
356. The sleeping dog is turned by a stick.
357. They are people of experience who do not sleep at a strange place.
358. A person who doesn't know but knows that he doesn't know is a student; teach him. A person who knows but who doesn't know what he knows is asleep; awaken him. But a person who knows and knows that he knows is wise; follow him.
359. If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep.
360. When sleeping women wake, mountains move.
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