World Proverbs

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326 Proverbs about Side / Page 10

181. Regrets are like a child, They come some considerable time after event.. Swahili proverb. Regrets are like a child, They come some considerable time after event.
Swahili Proverb

182. Your companion's body is beside.. Swahili proverb. Your companion's body is beside.
Swahili Proverb

183. The ape does not see his own backside, he Sees his companion's.. Swahili proverb. The ape does not see his own backside, he Sees his companion's.
Swahili Proverb

184. Songs learnt from outside sources are not used at a dance so long.. Swahili proverb. Songs learnt from outside sources are not used at a dance so long.
Swahili Proverb

185. Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.. Arabian Proverb. Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.
Arabian Proverb

186. Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.. Arabian Proverb. Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.
Arabian Proverb

187. It's better to have a thousand enemies outside of the tent than one inside the tent.. Arabian Proverb. It's better to have a thousand enemies outside of the tent than one inside the tent.
Arabian Proverb

188. Better a hundred enemies outside the house than one inside.. Arabian Proverb. Better a hundred enemies outside the house than one inside.
Arabian Proverb

189. One who plants grapes by the road side, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem.. Ethiopian Proverb. One who plants grapes by the road side, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem.
Ethiopian Proverb

190. In sweet converse call the righteous to thy side, learn a healing song while thou livest.. Norse Proverb. In sweet converse call the righteous to thy side, learn a healing song while thou livest.
Norse Proverb

191. There are two sides to every story -- and then there's the truth.. American Proverb. There are two sides to every story -- and then there's the truth.
American Proverb

192. Courtesy on one side only never lasts for long.. American Proverb. Courtesy on one side only never lasts for long.
American Proverb

193. Consider whether your fun will cause another's unhappiness.. American Proverb. Consider whether your fun will cause another's unhappiness.
American Proverb

194. It makes a difference if the pope is on your side.. American Proverb. It makes a difference if the pope is on your side.
American Proverb

195. Better to have one thousand enemies outside the house than to have one single enemy inside it.. Lebanese Proverb. Better to have one thousand enemies outside the house than to have one single enemy inside it.
Lebanese Proverb

196. God hears things upside down.. Lebanese Proverb. God hears things upside down.
Lebanese Proverb

197. Buttered bread always falls dry side up.. Hebrew Proverb. Buttered bread always falls dry side up.
Hebrew Proverb

198. If the dog barks, go in; if the bitch barks you had better stay outside.. Hebrew Proverb. If the dog barks, go in; if the bitch barks you had better stay outside.
Hebrew Proverb

199. God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.. Hebrew Proverb. God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.
Hebrew Proverb

200. Night was created so that we might consider what we did during the day.. Hebrew Proverb. Night was created so that we might consider what we did during the day.
Hebrew Proverb

326 Proverbs, Page 10 of 17
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