349 Proverbs about Rest / Page 13
241. The forest provides food to the hunter after they are exhaustingly tired.
242. The family is like the forest: if you are outside, it is dense; if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position.
243. The only sword that never rests is the tongue of a woman.
244. Even if the nightingale is in a gold cage, she still dreams of returning to the forest.
245. Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle.
246. As the master is away the workers take rest.
247. God is big, but the forest is bigger.
248. You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.
249. The sex of a cralmac is of interest only to another cralmac.
250. A good deed bears interest.
251. The forest will answer you in the way you call to it.
252. If one calls in the forest will one get a response.
253. If you get lost in an Icelandic forest, simply stand up and you will find your way.
254. Never underestimate a quiet person, for he may have qualities that belie his quiet nature.
255. We decide our affairs, then we rest them with God.
256. Food will last while the forests last.
257. One man restored our fortunes by delay.
258. Rest strengthens the body, the mind too is thus supported; but unremitting toil destroys both.
259. A man may lose what are his clearest rights by not demanding them.
260. If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors--Rest, cheerfulness, and moderate diet.
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