470 Proverbs about Rain / Page 11
201. If the weather is fine, put on you cloak; if it rains, do as you please.
202. It is easier to abstain than to restrain.
203. Long on hair, short on brains.
204. Rebukes ought not to have a grain more of salt than of sugar.
205. To see it rain is better than to be in it.
206. Vainglory bears no grain.
207. For crystal rain falls from black clouds.
208. Giving advice to the ignorant is like the rain falling on muddy ground.
209. The drowning man is not troubled by rain.
210. The halfwit spoke, and the brainless believed.
211. Look at the strainer that tells the skimmer: You have three holes.
212. Clouds that thunder seldom rain.
213. Brains are not to be found in the beard.
214. Rain falls alike on the just and the unjust.
215. Don't hope for rain or thunder, hope for an agronomist.
216. Money is only good for a weekday, a holiday, and a rainy day.
217. Long whiskers cannot take the place of brains.
218. When brains are needed, brawn won't help.
219. A guest is like rain: when he lingers on, he becomes a nuisance.
220. Interest on debts grow without rain.
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