509 Proverbs about Person / Page 16
301. Nobody lives in another person's head.
302. Envious persons never compliment, they only swallow.
303. The person who asks for little deserves nothing.
304. A person born to be a flower pot will not go beyond the porch.
305. Avarice commonly occasions injury to the person who displays it.
306. A virtuous person sleeps well.
307. The person who knew you when you were young will seldom respect you as an adult.
308. A person changing his clothing always hides while changing.
309. Slander slays three persons: the speaker, the spoken to, and the spoken of.
310. A change of name or place may sometimes save a person.
311. No one is so poor as an ignorant person.
312. Respect flies away for the one who pursues it and hunts the person who is fleeing from it.
313. If you do a person a favor, you'll be his superior; if he does one for you, his inferior; and if neither, you'll be his friend.
314. It's not the sin that maddens a person but the desire to do it.
315. A person is always responsible: if his act was accidental or intentional, whether he was awake or asleep.
316. A person can understand things deeply through proverbs.
317. One person's candle furnishes light for many.
318. A slanderer kills three: himself, his listener, and the person who was slandered.
319. Put another way, satan is a person's wish to do evil.
320. The worst kind of person is one whose power of speech is greater than his power of thought.
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