908 Proverbs about Over / Page 39
761. The wise create proverbs for fools to learn, not to repeat.
762. Eating what you plant is better than begging for leftovers.
763. When a lion runs and looks back, its not that he is afraid, rather he is trying to see the distance he has covered.
764. Whenever lightening strikes, everyone runs to cover his or her own head.
765. You can teach other people how to learn other languages but you can't teach them how to govern themselves.
766. You cannot stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them nesting in your hair.
767. You can't tell a book by its cover.
768. You will never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
769. Poverty is no joy, although it sometimes makes you laugh.
770. Wet your finger in tar and soon it is all over you.
771. You can disguise wealth but you can't hide poverty.
772. The horse loves oats; the earth, manure; and the governor, tribute.
773. Unfortunate is the property that the owner doesn't oversee.
774. The priest covers the chalice and we must cover each other.
775. Don't have anything to do with the cavalier who has fallen into poverty.
776. Courage wins over sickness.
777. When the ripened ears are full and fall over, as if in sleep, the farmer awakens, that is to say, he begins the harvest.
778. Overwhelming courtesy raises concern that you may be being deceitful.
779. A house without a woman impoverishes.
780. Who takes cover under the branch, collects what rains and collects what falls.
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