908 Proverbs about Over / Page 36
701. If there had been no poverty in europe, then the white man would not have come and spread his clothes in africa.
702. When a fool is told a proverb, it has to be explained to him.
703. If your part of the battlefield is covered with thorns, you do not leave your position and go to stand where the ground is good.
704. Proverbs in conversation are torches in darkness.
705. He issues a certificate of poverty of himself.
706. Don't cry, over spilt milk.
707. Many geese overpower a pig.
708. He has discovered the sealing wax.
709. He takes over the baton.
710. Stretch yourself as far as your cover reaches.
711. The little puppy said: "If I fall down and roll over for you, and you fall down and roll over for me, then we are playing. However, if I fall down and roll over for you, but you do not fall down and roll over for me, then that's a fight."
712. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.
713. A gentle Horse would not be over fair spur'd.
714. All overs are ill but over the water.
715. Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself.
716. Better wooe over midding, nor over mosse.
717. Cold cools the love that kindles over hot.
718. He that tholes, overcomes.
719. He rises over early that is hangit ere noon.
720. He that hews over hie, the spail will fall into his eye.
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