908 Proverbs about Over / Page 25
481. The earth will cover the doctor's mistakes.
482. Never trust overmuch to a new friend or an old enemy.
483. Better a thief for a neighbor than an overzealous rabbi.
484. Lovers and thieves always look for darkness.
485. Lovers do not need much room.
486. Over the bottle many a friend is found.
487. The doctor has a remedy for everything but poverty.
488. Treat me as a rabbi, but watch over me as a thief.
489. What can you do with a good cow that gives a lot of milk and then kicks the bucket over?
490. What's left over from the thief is spent on the fortune-teller.
491. Let go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life -- after that you cannot be deceived.
492. He who bends over too far shows his rear end.
493. If someone isn't handsome by nature, it's useless for them to wash over and over again.
494. Lovers and lords want only to be alone together.
495. mpaza, greedy greedy. She flies into a rage over a penny.
496. Don't worry about the weather or the government.
497. Our proverbs are sacred and correct.
498. Misery and poverty are two sisters; discord is their first cousin.
499. Every cat has a proper tail. Over there is a cat with no tail.
500. When a pig has eaten its full, it pushes over its trough.
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