908 Proverbs about Over / Page 10
181. Not to wish to recover is a mortal symptom.
182. Poverty does not destroy virtue, nor does wealth bestow it.
183. Poverty is no sin, but it is a branch of roguery.
184. Poverty is not a crime.
185. Right overstrained turns to wrong.
186. Sleep over it, and you will come to a resolution.
187. That which covers thee discovers thee.
188. The drunkard and the glutton come to poverty, and drowsiness clothes a man with rags.
189. The goat can't well cover herself with her tail.
190. The Jew ruins himself with passovers, the Moor with wedding feasts, and the Christian with lawsuits.
191. The old wife, if she does not serve for a pot, serves for a cover.
192. The sharper the storm, the sooner it's over.
193. There is no pot so ugly but finds its cover.
194. Who lends recovers not; or if he recovers, recovers not all; or if not all, not much; of if much, a mortal enemy.
195. The rich worry over their money, the poor over their bread.
196. A great affair covers up a small matter.
197. Work is the medicine for poverty.
198. Make sure your blanket covers your feet.
199. Secret fire is discovered by its smoke.
200. A fair skin often covers a crooked mind.
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