World Proverbs

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448 Proverbs about Once / Page 19

361. When once at sea, do not long to be on shore.. Latin Proverb. When once at sea, do not long to be on shore.
Latin Proverb

362. Words may either conceal character or reveal it.. Latin Proverb. Words may either conceal character or reveal it.
Latin Proverb

363. To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.. Malaysian Proverb. To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.
Malaysian Proverb

364. Once you put on  the wedding ring you must submit to all that is necessary.. Maltese Proverb. Once you put on  the wedding ring you must submit to all that is necessary.
Maltese Proverb

365. Many stars cannot be concealed by a small cloud.. Maori Proverb. Many stars cannot be concealed by a small cloud.
Maori Proverb

366. Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.. Navajo Proverb. Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.
Navajo Proverb

367. No child was ever born without having been conceived.. Filipino Proverb. No child was ever born without having been conceived.
Filipino Proverb

368. A man can die but once.. Romanian Proverb. A man can die but once.
Romanian Proverb

369. Once bitten, twice shy.. Romanian Proverb. Once bitten, twice shy.
Romanian Proverb

370. Measure twice, cut but once.. Romanian Proverb. Measure twice, cut but once.
Romanian Proverb

371. Once a thief, always a thief.. Romanian Proverb. Once a thief, always a thief.
Romanian Proverb

372. Christmas comes but once a year.. Romanian Proverb. Christmas comes but once a year.
Romanian Proverb

373. No man cand do two things at once.. Romanian Proverb. No man cand do two things at once.
Romanian Proverb

374. He that is once born, once must die.. Romanian Proverb. He that is once born, once must die.
Romanian Proverb

375. He that once deceives is ever suspected.. Romanian Proverb. He that once deceives is ever suspected.
Romanian Proverb

376. He that has done ill once will do it again.. Romanian Proverb. He that has done ill once will do it again.
Romanian Proverb

377. What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.. Romanian Proverb. What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
Romanian Proverb

378. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.. Romanian Proverb. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.
Romanian Proverb

379. Measure thrice what thou buyest; and cut it but once.. Romanian Proverb. Measure thrice what thou buyest; and cut it but once.
Romanian Proverb

380. The sun does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.. Romanian Proverb. The sun does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.
Romanian Proverb

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