350 Proverbs about Often / Page 11
201. The biter is often bit.
202. The devil leads him by the nose who the dice too often throws.
203. The devil often lurks behind the cross.
204. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease.
205. The last comers are often the masters.
206. The pitcher goes often to the well and gets broken at last.
207. Who often changes, damages.
208. You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.
209. Stupidity is too often beauty's imperfection.
210. Often the best way of giving oneself what one lacks is to take from oneself what one has.
211. You can often find in rivers what you cannot find in oceans.
212. Go often to the house of a friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.
213. Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.
214. The toe of the star-gazer is often stubbed.
215. Tears come more often from the eyes than from the heart.
216. The stargazer's toe is often stubbed.
217. Running away is not glorious, but often very healthy.
218. A good friend is often better than a brother.
219. He who comes for the inheritance is often made to pay for the funeral.
220. It is better to get fillers often than forints seldom.
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