World Proverbs

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300 Proverbs about Night / Page 11

201. If the owner of the goat is not afraid to travel by night, the owner of a hyena certainly will not be.. Hausa Proverb. If the owner of the goat is not afraid to travel by night, the owner of a hyena certainly will not be.
Hausa Proverb

202. A fat woman warms the night.. Icelandic Proverb. A fat woman warms the night.
Icelandic Proverb

203. There are seven different kind of weather in one autumn night.. Icelandic Proverb. There are seven different kind of weather in one autumn night.
Icelandic Proverb

204. Morn with her rosy locks dispels the shades of night, and the sun puts to flight the stars, lighting up the world.. Latin Proverb. Morn with her rosy locks dispels the shades of night, and the sun puts to flight the stars, lighting up the world.
Latin Proverb

205. Pondering over many things by night.. Latin Proverb. Pondering over many things by night.
Latin Proverb

206. Sing before breakfast, cry before night.. Latin Proverb. Sing before breakfast, cry before night.
Latin Proverb

207. The magpie is competing with the nightingale.. Latin Proverb. The magpie is competing with the nightingale.
Latin Proverb

208. The owl sings to the nightingale.. Latin Proverb. The owl sings to the nightingale.
Latin Proverb

209. Praise a fair day at night.. Latin Proverb. Praise a fair day at night.
Latin Proverb

210. Night is the mother of council.. Latin Proverb. Night is the mother of council.
Latin Proverb

211. At night all women are alike.. Maltese Proverb. At night all women are alike.
Maltese Proverb

212. Malta would be a nice place, if every knight were a tree.. Maltese Proverb. Malta would be a nice place, if every knight were a tree.
Maltese Proverb

213. Men have thought about their marriage a whole year long -- and it lasts but one night.. Moorish Proverb. Men have thought about their marriage a whole year long -- and it lasts but one night.
Moorish Proverb

214. What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.... Native American Blackfoot Proverb. What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset...
Native American Blackfoot Proverb

215. Night is followed by day, famine by abundance.. Ovambo Proverb. Night is followed by day, famine by abundance.
Ovambo Proverb

216. Praise a fair day at night.. Romanian Proverb. Praise a fair day at night.
Romanian Proverb

217. Night is the mother of counsel.. Romanian Proverb. Night is the mother of counsel.
Romanian Proverb

218. What is done by night appears by day.. Romanian Proverb. What is done by night appears by day.
Romanian Proverb

219. The night comes when no man can work.. Romanian Proverb. The night comes when no man can work.
Romanian Proverb

220. When the night's darkest, the dawn's nearest.. Romanian Proverb. When the night's darkest, the dawn's nearest.
Romanian Proverb

300 Proverbs, Page 11 of 15
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