541 Proverbs about Need / Page 26
501. Nut and fig trees need to be pruned aggressively.
502. You need to have patience in storms: you don't eat honey without flies.
503. The rich man has little need.
504. You're not poor if you have as much as you need.
505. You need land to seed, to live in luxury.
506. An old business doesn't need advertising.
507. You need four men to make a good salad: a crazy man to mix it, a scholar for the salt, a miser for a touch of vinegar, and a squanderer for the oil.
508. If the rich man is fawning over the poor man, you can be certain that he needs something.
509. To cure a cold you need the warmth of a pigeon's nest.
510. In youth we need to save for what old age will bring.
511. One who is never satisfied is always in need.
512. When it's seen, there's no need for proof.
513. A Friend in need is a friend indeed.
514. A man need not look in your mouth to know how old you are.
515. Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose.
516. He that is doing nothing is seldom in need of helpers.
517. Needs must when the devil drives.
518. The time to make friends is before you need them.
519. To teach well, we need not say all that we know, Successful teachers are effective in spite of the psychological theories they suffer under.
520. Zeal is like fire: it needs both feeding and watching.
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