1022 Proverbs about Must / Page 25
481. The horse must graze where it is tethered.
482. There is no god like one's stomach; we must sacrifice to it every day.
483. He who heeds the first word of his wife must listen forever to the second.
484. If you light one candle for God, then you must light two for the devil.
485. A good storyteller must be able to lie a little.
486. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
487. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
488. A person without a smiling face must never open a shop.
489. Every letter must be chewed before you can refresh yourself with its juice.
490. He who wants to be a dragon must eat many little snakes.
491. He who was presented with an ox must give in return a horse.
492. If the pedestal is beautiful the statue must be even more beautiful.
493. If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.
494. Love has its tides; before ebb tide you must take advantage of the flood.
495. Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time.
496. People live like birds in the woods: When the time comes, each must take flight.
497. The first time you cheat me, be ashamed. The second time it is I who must be ashamed.
498. The maker of laws must be severe; who executes them must be generous.
499. There are three kinds of person that you must not challenge: civil servants, customers and widows.
500. To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.
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