222 Proverbs about Lost / Page 6
101. All is not lost that is delayed.
102. All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment.
103. He will not lost the parings of his nails.
104. In too much disputing truth is lost.
105. Money is lost only for want of money.
106. Much would have more, and lost all.
107. That day is lost on which one has not laughed.
108. We know the worth of a thing when we have lost it.
109. What a neighbor gets is not lost.
110. When a cow is lost it is something to recover its tail, were it only to make a handle for one's door.
111. All of the Earth's treasures can't bring back a lost moment.
112. Friends are lost by calling too often and by not calling often enough.
113. Remember that everyone you ever meet is sure to fear something, to love something, and to have lost something.
114. Remember that everyone you ever meet is sure to fear something, to love something, and to have lost something.
115. he has lost the horse, but is looking for the horseshoe.
116. No one was ever lost on a straight road.
117. All that is not given is lost.
118. When the sea turned into honey, the poor man lost his spoon.
119. Where shepherds are lots, sheep are lost.
120. When the sea turned to honey, the poor man lost his spoon.
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