672 Proverbs about Live / Page 34
661. What you can dead and leave you can live and see or enjoy.
662. De longer yuh live, de more yuh does hear.
663. One ages every night one lives.
664. The cow has a bad delivery though her owner is present.
665. The cimex lives in the firewood and still it reaches its full growth.
666. If you live in a mud hut, beware of the rain.
667. The lizard that lives high up in iroko tree does not hear the lions roar.
668. If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
669. It is no longer good enough to cry peace, we must act peace, live peace and live in peace.
670. They live like cat and dog.
671. While alive in rags; when dead in satin to cover the body.
672. Strive to live well within your means.
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