733 Proverbs about Little / Page 31
601. If the building of a nest were easy, would the little "apatipers" bird roost in the fork of a tree?
602. Little palm tree, stop crying, you child is the tall palm tree.
603. The blood soup made of one palm nut is shared in little drops.
604. The witch kills "he ate and he did not give me", but she does not kill, "he gave me too little."
605. Eating little and speaking little can hurt no man.
606. When a poor man gets a little money, his thoughts go off in ten different directions.
607. The little puppy said: "If I fall down and roll over for you, and you fall down and roll over for me, then we are playing. However, if I fall down and roll over for you, but you do not fall down and roll over for me, then that's a fight."
608. The best way to eat hot soup is little by little.
609. A little axe can cut down a big tree.
610. A little pepper burns a big man's mouth.
611. The black man steals just half of very little, but the white man steals the whole sugar plantation.
612. The buying of a wife begins from a little thing.
613. A little, contemptible path is sometimes the one that leads you to the highway.
614. A piece of land is not a little thing.
615. A slaughterhouse is not without a little blood.
616. A little idleness lost a tilled field.
617. A little idleness causes the ruin of the beehive.
618. The little bird that flaps its wings too much will spoil them.
619. However little food we have, we'll share it even if it's only one locust.
620. Better to lose a little money than a little friendship.
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