World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

341 Proverbs about Leave / Page 12

221. We will be known by the tracks we leave behind.. Dakotan Proverb. We will be known by the tracks we leave behind.
Dakotan Proverb

222. If the ball does not stick to the wall, yet 'twill leave some mark.. Darkovan Proverb. If the ball does not stick to the wall, yet 'twill leave some mark.
Darkovan Proverb

223. Not even a god can bring back the leaves that have fallen.. Darkovan Proverb. Not even a god can bring back the leaves that have fallen.
Darkovan Proverb

224. Who leaves the boat on water is miserable.. Estonian Proverb. Who leaves the boat on water is miserable.
Estonian Proverb

225. The winter does not leave without a backward glance.. Finnish Proverb. The winter does not leave without a backward glance.
Finnish Proverb

226. Never leave a mate behind.. Finnish Proverb. Never leave a mate behind.
Finnish Proverb

227. As numerous as the leaves of the oak, or the waves which wash the island.. Latin Proverb. As numerous as the leaves of the oak, or the waves which wash the island.
Latin Proverb

228. Death snatches away the most deserving, and leaves the wicked.. Latin Proverb. Death snatches away the most deserving, and leaves the wicked.
Latin Proverb

229. Even the rustling of leaves will alarm the hare.. Latin Proverb. Even the rustling of leaves will alarm the hare.
Latin Proverb

230. He moistens the lips, but leaves the palate dry.. Latin Proverb. He moistens the lips, but leaves the palate dry.
Latin Proverb

231. He ploughs the land of others, and leaves his own untilled.. Latin Proverb. He ploughs the land of others, and leaves his own untilled.
Latin Proverb

232. If you sit on a seat, and that seat is a comfortable seat, sit on that seat, and do not leave that seat.. Latin Proverb. If you sit on a seat, and that seat is a comfortable seat, sit on that seat, and do not leave that seat.
Latin Proverb

233. Leave not your staff at home.. Latin Proverb. Leave not your staff at home.
Latin Proverb

234. When one wave leaves, another succeeds.. Latin Proverb. When one wave leaves, another succeeds.
Latin Proverb

235. The more shoots, the more leaves.. Malay Proverb. The more shoots, the more leaves.
Malay Proverb

236. Tigers die and leave their stripes, but humans die leaving their names.. Malay Proverb. Tigers die and leave their stripes, but humans die leaving their names.
Malay Proverb

237. Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root.. Malay Proverb. Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root.
Malay Proverb

238. Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.. Malay Proverb. Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
Malay Proverb

239. To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.. Malaysian Proverb. To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.
Malaysian Proverb

240. Mango among fruits, pork among meats, tea among leaves.. Myanmar Proverb. Mango among fruits, pork among meats, tea among leaves.
Myanmar Proverb

341 Proverbs, Page 12 of 18
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