421 Proverbs about Knows / Page 19
361. Nobody knows where he goes, but only whence he comes.
362. The hunter's son knows how to hunt.
363. A son as cunning as his father knows the arrows like father.
364. He who is stricken knows how to defend himself.
365. One who prevades the great universe is seen by none unless a man knows the unfolding of love.
366. The world of humans is divided by lines, but the mind knows no limits, the heart no barriers.
367. Every animal knows more than you do.
368. A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.
369. What three men know then the whole world knows.
370. Only the soil knows when a young mouse is ill.
371. Nobody tells all he knows.
372. He who provokes a war must be sure that he knows how to fight.
373. A fool who knows he is a fool has a little intelligence, but a fool that thinks he is intelligent is really a fool.
374. Who built the drum knows best what is inside.
375. Who made the drum knows best what is inside.
376. Only the spoon knows the pot's sorrows.
377. Everyone knows what's cooking in their pot.
378. A fool doing what he knows is better than a hundred wise men doing what they don't know.
379. Collect promptly, pay slowly; who knows, in case of an accident, you'll pay nothing.
380. In fair weather, in calm waters and in peaceful travel, even a coachman knows how to sail.
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