938 Proverbs about King / Page 44
861. Everyone knows what's cooking in their pot.
862. Known by three; Known by the king.
863. Taking aim for too long can ruin your eyes.
864. Taking water from the same well doesn't make all the wives' gravy taste good.
865. Just as a bamboo cane forms a round jet of water, so taking counsel together makes men of one mind.
866. The barking of dogs does not reach heaven.
867. When birds aren't making a mess it's a sign that it's been a bad year.
868. Who pays in advance eats stinking fish.
869. Take care of the manger and water the animals at the drinking trough.
870. When the screech-owl sings, you can try to go to work for someone else if you're working for a bad owner.
871. Nobel and rich are the Messinans, heads of the kingdom are the Palermitani, the Catanians have a contented heart, and in Cefalu they are rich with fish.
872. The pig says: give to me and I'll give to you, don't tell me how long it's taking.
873. Who runs more, lacks walking.
874. Taking a bite of the bread restores your appetite.
875. If you want a beautiful woman, hurry to Syracuse: if you want her ugly, run to Terranova, go to Rosolini if you want her lazy and to Spaccaforno if you're looking for one to try.
876. Whoever brings his wife to every feast will not be lacking for headaches.
877. If you're not a King don't make new laws; leave the world the way you find it.
878. What is given by God, can't be lacking.
879. Marriage would be beautiful if it weren't for cradle rocking.
880. When in March sun and water are taking turns with water and sun, the mules end up doing the carrying.
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