938 Proverbs about King / Page 42
821. Do not respond to a barking dog.
822. If you are a peg, endure the knocking; if you are a mallet, strike.
823. If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.
824. The barking of dogs does not hurt the clouds.
825. Moral people sleep well at night, but the immoral seem to get pleasure from the waking hours much more.
826. The bone given to you by the king is meat.
827. Better a free bird than a king in captivity.
828. It is the great north wind that made the Vikings.
829. A small but excellent party, said the man, he was drinking alone.
830. The grasshopper flies about, but the kingfisher watches him.
831. A half-penny Cat may look to the King.
832. Better finger off, nor ay warking.
833. Hunting, hawking, and paramours, for one joy an hundred displeasures.
834. He that is hated of his subjects, cannot be counted a King.
835. It is good baking besides meal.
836. Kings caff is worth other mens corn.
837. Kings have a long ears.
838. Kings are out of play.
839. Kings and Bears oft worries their Keepers.
840. Neirest the King, neirest the Widdie.
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