559 Proverbs about Keep / Page 15
281. Faith keeps the world going.
282. A person is known by the company he keeps.
283. The Dog barks to keep itself, not the village.
284. He who keeps his old clothes, gains new ones too.
285. Who sieves too much keeps the rubbish.
286. Experience keeps a dear school.
287. God keeps those safe who keep themselves safe.
288. Friendship is friendship, but keep our tobacco apart.
289. It is bread that keeps one warm, not fur.
290. Make a friend of the wolf, but keep your axe ready.
291. Pray to God, but keep on rowing to the shore.
292. Pray to God, but keep rowing to the shore.
293. To keep a new friend, never break with the old.
294. When money speaks, the truth keeps silent.
295. You can't keep a word of thanks in your pocket.
296. Desert and reward seldom keep company.
297. Keep your ears wider and your mouth narrower.
298. Keep your eye on the ball.
299. A fool who can keep silent is counted among the wise.
300. If you keep on talking, you will end up saying what you didn't intend to say.
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