564 Proverbs about Into / Page 10
181. Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.
182. If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch.
183. It is not by saying, 'honey, honey,' that sweetness comes into the mouth.
184. A book whos sale's forbidden all men rush to see, and prohibition turns one reader into three.
185. It is a bad idea to take a thorn out of someone else's foot and put it into your own.
186. "Peter, I am taking a ride," said the goose, when the fox was running into the wood with her.
187. All water flows into the ocean or into the purse of the rich.
188. Let no one look into your heart or into your purse.
189. A man must keep his mouth open a long while before a roast pigeon files into it.
190. A silent man's words are not brought into court.
191. God gives all birds their food but does not drop it into their nests.
192. God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nest.
193. He drives a good waggonful into his farm who gets a good wife.
194. He must be a clever host that would take the devil into his hostelry.
195. He who sows peas on the highway does not get all the pods into his barn.
196. He will never get into the wood who starts at every bush.
197. It has been blowing hard--the dirt has been blown into high places.
198. It is folly to take a thorn out of another's foot and put it into your own.
199. Many a thing whispered into one ear is heard over the whole town.
200. No one can see into another further than his teeth.
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