624 Proverbs about House / Page 7
121. Choose your neighbor before your house and your companion before the road.
122. Every dog is a great barker at the door of his own house.
123. He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.
124. The house of danger is built upon the borders of safety.
125. Two scorpions living in the same hole will get along better than two sisters in the same house.
126. Choose your neighbors before you buy your house.
127. Mud houses don't burn.
128. The only insurance against fire is to have two houses.
129. It is only the tortoise that moves and carries its shell about, which it calls its house.
130. A single man can not build a house.
131. A housewife who complains that there is not enough foodstuff in the market should remember that if her husband adds to what is already available, there would be more for everyone.
132. It is the fear of what tomorrow may bring that makes the tortoise to carry his house along with him wherever he goes.
133. When the elderly ones in a house travel, the younger ones quickly grow in experience.
134. The house roof fights the rain, but he who is sheltered ignores it.
135. The house sweeper's buttock is never at one direction.
136. When the next house is on fire, 'tis high time to look to your own.
137. Do not talk Arabic in the house of a Moor.
138. Two men in a burning house must not stop to argue.
139. A house is for a voyage but a tomb is for eternity.
140. A man is not a man until he has a house of his own.
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