World Proverbs

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1024 Proverbs about Hear / Page 26

501. Heart with pepper, soul with garlic.. Russian proverb. Heart with pepper, soul with garlic.
Russian Proverb

502. You heard the ring, but don't know where.. Russian proverb. You heard the ring, but don't know where.
Russian Proverb

503. A virgin's heart is a dark forest.. Russian proverb. A virgin's heart is a dark forest.
Russian Proverb

504. Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.. Russian proverb. Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.
Russian Proverb

505. If the peasant doesn't hear the thunder he won't make the sign of the cross.. Russian proverb. If the peasant doesn't hear the thunder he won't make the sign of the cross.
Russian Proverb

506. If your heart is a rose, then your mouth will speak perfumed words.. Russian proverb. If your heart is a rose, then your mouth will speak perfumed words.
Russian Proverb

507. Misfortune does not visit the weak-hearted.. Russian proverb. Misfortune does not visit the weak-hearted.
Russian Proverb

508. Tears come more often from the eyes than from the heart.. Russian proverb. Tears come more often from the eyes than from the heart.
Russian Proverb

509. The hearth in our house is warmer than our neighbor's.. Russian proverb. The hearth in our house is warmer than our neighbor's.
Russian Proverb

510. The thief has a chicken's heart -- he sleeps in fear.. Russian proverb. The thief has a chicken's heart -- he sleeps in fear.
Russian Proverb

511. What the heart doesn't see, the eye will not see either.. Russian proverb. What the heart doesn't see, the eye will not see either.
Russian Proverb

512. When we sing everybody hears us; when we sigh, nobody hears us.. Russian proverb. When we sing everybody hears us; when we sigh, nobody hears us.
Russian Proverb

513. Who talks little hears better.. Russian proverb. Who talks little hears better.
Russian Proverb

514. When man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.. Lakota Proverb. When man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.
Lakota Proverb

515. The truth is not always what we want to hear.. Yiddish proverb. The truth is not always what we want to hear.
Yiddish Proverb

516. Anger is like a thorn in the heart.. Yiddish proverb. Anger is like a thorn in the heart.
Yiddish Proverb

517. If there's bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.. Yiddish proverb. If there's bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.
Yiddish Proverb

518. If there is bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.. Yiddish proverb. If there is bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter.
Yiddish Proverb

519. Laughter can be heard further than weeping.. Yiddish proverb. Laughter can be heard further than weeping.
Yiddish Proverb

520. If your heart is bitter, sugar in the mouth won't help.. Yiddish proverb. If your heart is bitter, sugar in the mouth won't help.
Yiddish Proverb

1024 Proverbs, Page 26 of 52
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